It is evident that choosing a boot camp is a big decision that can change the course of your life, so who better to get advice from than learners who have been right where you are? This is Eyob who wants to vouch for Portnov Computer School to all who wants to start their career in IT with or without any prior experience. Coming from a non-IT background, I was a bit skeptical whether I can really make a career in this field but as I started attending the classes for Software Quality Assurance, I quickly realized that the teachers: Michael, Janna, Olga, Sofia, Galina and Tatiana go above and beyond to prepare everyone for the long run. They deliver an up-to-date curriculum that suits the market needs and provide students with hands on software training with top leading and efficient programs such as Java, Selenium, Cucumber, SQL, Linux, API, Networking, Mobile testing etc. Not only that, at the completion of the course the school will provide internship opportunities and an intensive boot camp training where the mentors go out of their way to assist with resume building and job applications. Going through this program was significant in helping me make a career change and I am very much pleased to share you that I managed to land in a decent job in the Bay area. Hence, I would strongly recommend anyone looking to get a career in IT to not think twice about enrolling in Portnov’s program. Kudos to Michael for creating such a life changing program and to Sofia in helping us find such decent jobs.