I’m thrilled to let you know that I got a job of my dreams

Just finished Portnov SQA program few days ago and it’s time for an amazing update !

I’m thrilled to let you know that I got a job of my dreams!!!!!

I cant believe how far me and my mates come n last 6 months, this awesome career move come so quickly. From little less experience we grow to confident , knowledgeable and mature QA engineers who can rock any interview! Here in Portnov we gain all the necessary knowledge about HTML/CSS, JS , Java as well as hands on experience with Postman, Charles Proxy, Selenium WD, Android Studio, XCode, Linux, SQL and many many more ! Here you’ll got everything you need to get your dream job, the most complex program on the market, real projects and endless support and encouragement .

HUGE THANKS for each of you : Michael Portnov, Janna Spector, Sofia Pravdina, Olga Chekhanovskaya, Luiza Yusupova and rest of Portnov school staff! All you put into creating this awesome program , all your knowledge , all your passion and enthusiasm and of course all of your support and readiness to help and answer all our tricky questions even on weekends!

I’m just where I dreamed of being and so thankful for the way you supported me and my talented mates in making this dream a reality!